Our contribution to the United Nations’ Report on Emerging Technologies & SDGs
The posters we selected for our IROS 2021 workshop
You will find here the accepted contributions to our IROS Workshop on Robotics and the UN SDGs.
Fostering Sustainable Consumption throught the Development of Proactive, Human-centered Robot Systems, by Jasmin Grosinger (Örebro University, Sweden)
Addressing the sustainability of the Adriatic sea using marine robotics, by Fausto Ferreira and Nikola Miškovic (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
Meat Factory Cell: Assisting Meat Processors Address Sustainability in Meat Production, by Alex Mason et al. (Obuda University, Hungary)
UNICEF Guidance on AI for Children: Application to the Design of a Social Robot for and with Autistic Children, by Séverin Lemaignan et al. (University of the West of England)
HAKSH-E An Autonomous Social Robot for Promoting Good Hand Hygiene among Children, by Sreejith Sasidharan et al. (AMMACHI labs, Amrita School of Engineering, India)
Urban Air Mobility: Regulation and Control of Vertical Takeoff and Landing Vehicles, by Arpad Takacs and Tamas Haidegger (Obuda University, Hungary)
The Role of Medical Logistics Drones in Support of SDG3 – Lessons for the Robotics Community, by Patrick Courtney and P.G. Royall, (tec-connection, Germany and King’s College London, UK)
Scalable and Objective Tool for Benchmarking and Education of Robotic Procedures in Cadiovascular Surgery, by M Huzac et al., (YourAnastomosis, Hungary)